200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India at Sharada Yoga Peeth


Sharada Yoga Peeth offers the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India which is accredited by the Yoga Alliance, USA. We heartedly welcome the students who want to join this yoga course to understand the nectar of yoga. Sharada Yoga Peeth in Rishikesh, One of the best Yoga schools in the world, provides the best Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship courses in India. Our courses are specially designed and based on the hourly training, which gives deep knowledge about yoga roots to students.

We have professional and experienced yoga teachers in our team who provide the proper guidance to the students according to the yoga syllabus. In our yoga syllabus, we teach our students about the yoga postures, which help the students to see the positive changes in their life. If you have a desired for becoming a qualified yoga teacher, then this yoga course is best suited for you. Every year 100 of students completed this yoga program from our school and became the certified yoga teachers.

200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certified TTC:

The Sharada Yoga Path is the oldest yoga studio in Rishikesh, India. Our school is certified from the Yoga Alliance, USA and Indian Government. We offer the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India is suitable for the beginner students and looking forward to becoming a certified and qualified yoga tutor. After the students complete this yoga course, every student will get the certificate of yoga training, which is valid in the entire globe.

Highlights of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India:

  • 23 nights accommodations with AC and Non-AC rooms.
  • Meditation and Relaxation Practices
  • Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga Sessions
  • Pranayama and Shat-Kriya Techniques practices
  • Mantra Recitation and Karma Yoga Guidance
  • Teaching Practice
  • Yoga Physiology and Anatomy
  • Certificate of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program from Yoga Alliance, USA
  • Three times fresh vegetarian food
  • Other adventure activities which include the trekking in Himalayas Mountains, temple visit and river rafting

Objectives of the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in India, Rishikesh:

Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in India, Rishikesh will increase the physical and mental strength of the students. In our course, we teach the yoga aspects by theoretical, practical, and comprehensive approach so that students will cover each aspect of yoga easily. The main objectives of this yoga course are given below:

  • Practice
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Yogic Lifestyle
  • Anatomy
  • Teaching Methodology and Practice

Our expert’s yoga teacher will help the students to develop the spiritual and physical contents of the body. We make everything manageable for the students so that students will become the confident yoga teacher in the future. Every student who follows the path which is made by the Sharada Yoga Peeth teachers, then it will help you to transform your life. The course duration is about one month, and in this one month, you can learn or improve your yoga skills without getting distracting from your path.

In our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India, students will learn the different types of yoga aspects which are necessary for the certified and qualified yoga trainer. The course runs for 24 days, and all students will learn yoga and grow together.

Who can Apply for 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship in India, Rishikesh:

  • Beginners and New yoga students who know the basic principles of yoga.
  • Those who want to expand their yoga knowledge.
  • Those who need a life-changing experience.
  • Get to know the Indian culture and Indian spiritual Values.
  • Students who are dedicated to becoming a professional and qualified yoga trainer.


Students who completed their yoga training can apply for the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India. This yoga program is certified and register under the Yoga Alliance, the USA for qualified yoga trainers.

Intermediate and Beginners students can apply or join the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India, for knowing the deep aspects of yoga. In our school, you will get the yoga training from qualified and experienced yoga trainers who have a deep knowledge of yoga aspects. After the student complete the yoga course at Sharada Yoga Peeth, then he/she will get a certificate which is valid in the entire world for yoga training. The yoga program is organized by yoga trainers who are experienced and professional in yoga science.

At Sharada Yoga Peeth our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program also include the team of Ayurvedic teachers. Our Ayurvedic teacher also shares their medical science knowledge with the students and covers the topic of Yoga Anatomy and Yoga Physiology.  After the students complete this yoga program, then they can apply for the further yoga program of the 300-hour yoga teacher training program.

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India will cover the syllabus of sitting poses, arm balances, standing poses, backbends, forward bends and restorative poses, etc. In this yoga program, our teacher also teaches the students about the aspects of meditation and pranayama, mantra recitation, etc. In our program, we also provide the classes of Hatha Yoga practice, yogic practice, Mudras and Bandhas, etc.


  • 9 hours method of Mudra and Bandha
  • 60 hours of yoga method
  • 10 hours of yogis lifestyle and Ayurveda
  • Physiology and Anatomy for 15 hours
  • Yoga Psychology and Philosophy for 25 hours
  • Meditation and Yoga Nidra for 12 hours
  • Satkarma and Pranayama for 19hours
  • Mantras Recitation for 10 hours
  • Guidance and Teaching practice for 15 hours
  • The procedure of instructing for 25 hours

Hatha Yoga (Classical postures)

  • Hatha Yoga steps which include holding, turning out, focusing, entering and reflection
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa series one flow
  • Surya Namaskar variations which include mantra chanting with a sun salutation, breathing awareness and dynamic Surya Namaskar
  • Hatha Yoga Postures: Standing pose, sitting pose, backward bending pose, fire series, spinal twisting pose, forward bend pose, and inversion poses.
  • Counter-Pose
  • Contraindications


  • Breath of science
  • Pranayama techniques in sitting postures
  • 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 breathing practice
  • Types of Pranayama: Ujjayee, Shitkari, Nadi shodhana, Kapalabhati, anuloma viloma, and brahmari
  • Breathing instruction before Pranayama practice


  • Chin Lock (Jalandhara-Bandha)
  • Abdominal Lock (Uddiyana-Bandha)
  • Root Lock (Moola-Bandha)

Practice relaxation and Yoga Nidra:

  • Everyday life relaxation
  • 31 relaxation points
  • 61 relaxation points in the exercise
  • Tension and Relaxation
  • Training of Yoga Nidra
  • Systematic Relaxation


  • Definition of Meditation
  • Everyday meditation method
  • So-ham
  • 2 to 5 minutes of meditation
  • Meditation sitting position

Anatomy and Physiology

  • What are anatomy and physiology?
  • Nervous system
  • Digestive System
  • Energy plexus (Chakras)
  • Skeletal System
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Energy Channels (Nadis)
  • Muscular System
  • Effects of yoga posture on muscles and systems
  • Five Sheaths (Panchakosha)
  • Five Vital Energy (Pancha Pranas)
  • Five Great Elements (Pancha Tawa)

Yoga Philosophy:

  • Introduction of Indian philosophy (six schools)
  • Ethics of yoga and lifestyle
  • Upanishad introduction
  • Pattanjali yoga intro
  • Yoga and Samkhya
  • Principles of Ayurveda
  • Tri-gunas
  • Astanga Yoga Highlights: Pranayama, dhyana, Samadhi, niyam, dharana, Yama and pratyahara Ayurveda
  • Balance Between mind and Ayurvedic diet
  • Basic Doshas


  • Vishnu Mudra
  • Jnana Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Dhyan Mudra

Mantra Chanting

  • Om Mantra
  • 12 Surya Namaskar mantra
  • Guru Mantra
  • Meal Mantra
  • Morning Mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra

Satkriya (Cleaning)

  • Jala Neti
  • Sutra Neti

Homework and Methodology:

  • Teaching Practice
  • Group Discussion
  • Assignments
  • Homework
  • Questions and answers
  • Teaching practice
  • Feedback

Daily Schedule:

  • 05:00: Wake Up
  • 06:15-06:30: Mantra Chanting and Karma Yoga
  • 06:30-07:30: Pranayama and Shat Kriya
  • 07:30-09:00: Hatha Yoga Sessions
  • 09:00-10:00: Breakfast and rest
  • 10:00-11:15: Yoga Philosophy
  • 11:15-12:30: Yoga Anatomy and Yoga Physiology
  • 12:30-14:30: Lunch
  • 14:30-15:45: Ayurveda teaching, practice, and methodology
  • 16:00-16:15- Tea
  • 16:15-18:00- Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga sessions
  • 18:30-19:30- Dinner
  • 19:30-20:30: Guest Lecture and Satsang
  • 21:00- Self Study

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India available for Selected Months of the Year




2nd to 25th August 2019

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India

Apply Now

2nd to 25th September2019

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India

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2nd to 25th January 2020

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India

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200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Scholarship Program in Rishikesh, India Course Fee for Private and Shared Accommodation including Food and beverages

Accommodation Type



Private Room

949 USD


Shared Room

699 USD



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