7 Days Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, India
The 7 Days intense yoga and meditation retreat program at Sharada Yoga Peeth. The main aim of this retreat program is to guide the yoga students towards the yoga experience for a better life. Join the Yoga Teacher Training retreat program which helps you in giving the basic knowledge about the traditional and modern yoga aspects.

7 Days Yoga and Meditation Retreat Program Highlights:
- Daily yoga asanas for intermediate and beginner levels of yoga students
- Shat-Kriyas, breath awareness and pranayama practices
- Everyday mantra recitations and Karma yoga
- Introduction about Indian philosophies which include the Sankhya, yoga and Vedanta philosophies
- Instructions of relaxation and meditation practices
- 6 night’s accommodation Ac and Non-AC rooms
- Healthy and fresh yoga food three times a day breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Adventure activities, visiting temples and shrines
Who Can Apply for 7 Days Yoga and Meditation Retreat Program?
- Either fresher and beginners yoga students with basic knowledge about yoga
- Yoga lovers who want a life-changing yoga experiences
- Complete information or knowledge about the yogic wisdom, science, and practices
- Dedicated and focused students who want to be a yoga trainer and professional yoga guide
- Explore the Indian Culture and spiritual values
7 Days Yoga and Meditation Retreat Course:
At Sharada Yoga Peeth, join the Yoga and Meditation retreat program for restoring the balance in our lives, reduce the inner conflicts. In this program, we teach the physical exercises, yoga philosophy. Yoga asanas sessions at Sharada Yoga Peeth School based on Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. Our teachers will share knowledge about modern yoga and also teach the teaching methods to the students. All the sessions are for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.
Mantra Chanting
- Introduction of mantra science
- Morning and evening prayers
- 12 mantras of Surya Namaskar with Bija mantras
Hatha Yoga Postures
- Hatha Yoga steps: centering, reflection, holding, coming out, entering and refining
- Surya Namaskar
- Yoga asanas types: Sitting, Standing, Forward bend, Backward Bend, Shavasana, spinal twisting and inversion, etc
Breathing and Pranayama practice
- Breathing practices of 1:2, 1:1 and 1:4
- Pranayama types: Nadi shodhana, Ujjayee, Kapalabhati, Shitali, Shitkari, and bhastrika
- Diaphragmatic breath establishment
Satkarma or Cleansing exercise
- Jala-Neti
- Sutra-Neti
Practice relaxation and preparation of yogic sleep
- Concept and relaxation practice introduction
- Daily life relaxation
- Tension and relaxation practices
- Systematic relaxation
- 31 points relaxation
- A sequence of relaxation practices
- What is meditation
- Mediation in daily routine
- Two to five minutes of meditations
- So-ham
Yoga Philosophy, Yoga Ethics, and Lifestyle
- Indian Philosophy Introduction
- Yoga sutras Patanjali
- Yoga Ethics
- Yamas and Niyamas
- Ethics on Yoga Teacher
- Ashtanga Yoga: niyam, asanas, Dharana, dhyana and Yama
Daily Schedule
05:00 AM | Wake Up |
06:00 to 06:15 | Karma and Mantra Chanting |
06:15 to 07:00 | Shat-kriyas and pranayama |
07:00 to 08:30 | Warm-up, joints and Hatha yoga |
08:30 to 10:00 | Breakfast |
10:00 to 11:15 | Yoga Philosophy |
11:15 to 12:30 | Yoga Anatomy and Physiology workshops |
13:00 to 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 to 15:45 | Teaching methodology, Ayurveda and teaching practice |
16:00 to 16:15 | Tea |
16:15 to 18:00 | Astanga Vinyasa sessions |
18:30 to 19:30 | Dinner |
19:30 to 20:30 | Guest lectures, Satsang and Meditation |
21:00 | Sleep |
7 Days Yoga and Meditation Retreat Program available for all months
Apr 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
May 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
June 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
July 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Aug 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Sep 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Oct 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Nov 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Dec 2024 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Jan 2025 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Feb 2025 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
Mar 2025 | 7 Days Yoga Retreat, Rishikesh, India | Apply Now |
7 Days Yoga and Meditation Course Fee including accommodation, food and beverages
Sharing Room | Private Room |
Course Fee= 200 USD | Course Fee= 200 USD |
Accommodation= 75 USD | Accommodation= 150 USD |
Food = 50 USD | Food = 50 USD |
Total = 325 USD | Total = 400 USD |